jewellery workshop

 "Jan Vlasák, jewelry worker"

I am mainly dedicated to free jewelry creation, but I also like to work with ideas that the customers themselves come to me with in the workshops. I enjoy looking for new paths, unconventional combinations and unexpected solutions. 



Co pro vás znamenají náramky? Jsou nositeli vzpomínek, symbolizují pouto a spojení s něčím, co je pro vás důležité ...


Kolekce s podtitulem "Ve stínu vzkvétám" je tvořena dokonale geometrickými titanovými kruhy, kterými prorůstá zlato ...


Elegantní a vzdušná kolekce, ve které Jan Vlasák pracuje s jednoduchou geometrií. Titanová vlákna jsou spoutána ...

Wedding rings workshop

Make your wedding rings yourself, for each other!

Wedding rings conceal a unique charm. When you make them yourself, for each other, this magic is even stronger...


If you are interested, we will inform you about the news in our jewellery. 

* indicates required

The Ministry of Culture helped me edit the website. Thanks!

The project Building and developing the Jan Vlasák jewelry brand, registration number 0380000447, was financed by the European Union - Next Generation EU.